Scientific board

Regulations of the Scientific Board of the Poleski National Park


The Scientific Board is a consultative and advisory body of the Director of the Park in the scope of the protection of nature and scientific activity of the Park. The Scientific Board is appointed for a five-year term.


The scope of the activity of the Scientific Board encompasses in particular:

1.    Assessment of the state of resources, features and components of nature,

2.    Issuing opinions on the draft plan of protection and annual protection tasks,

3.    Assessment of carrying out the provisions of the protection plan, annual protection tasks and the effectiveness of protection actions,

4.    Issuing opinions on research and scientific programmes in the scope of the protection of nature,

5.    Issuing opinions on the principles of making the area of the Park available for scientific, didac-tic and tourist purposes,

6.    Issuing opinions on the candidates for scientific-research positions,

7.    Presenting applications and opinions in the matters of the protection of nature and the function-ing of the National Park.


1.    At its first meeting, the Scientific Board elects the Chairperson of the Board and also Vice-Chairperson from among its members.

2.    The function of the Secretary of the Scientific Board is held ex officio by an employee ap-pointed by the Director of the Park.

3.    The Scientific Board may appoint permanent or temporary committees to deal with specific issues from among its members.

4.    The Scientific Board may determine the scope of the problems which will be the subject of applications and opinions issued by the committees in periods between the meetings of the Board. The committees are obliged to submit information on their activities at the first plenary meeting of the Board.


1.    The Director or Deputy Director of the Park participates in the meetings of the Scientific Board ex officio.

2.     The meetings of the Scientific Board may be participated, in an advisory capacity, by the rep-resentatives of:

-  the Ministry of the Environment,

-  the State Council for Nature Conservation.

3. The Chairperson of the Scientific Board may invite to participate, in an advisory capacity, the representatives of:

- scientific institutions,

- bodies of national administration and local self-government concerned with the issues to be discussed,

- employees of the Park,

- specialists and also the representatives of organisational units co-operating with the Park.


1.    A meeting of the Scientific Board is called by its Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson in accor-dance with the needs, at least once a quarter.

2.     The Chairperson or the Vice-Chairperson of the Scientific Board calls the meeting of the Board upon a request of:

-  the Minister of the Environment,

-  the Director of the Park,

-  at least a quarter of the members of the Board.


1.    The agenda of the meeting is determined by the Chairperson of the Scientific Board in consul-tation with the Director of the Park. The agenda of the meeting may be altered upon request of a member of the Board, adopted by the majority of votes.

2.    Office services are provided by the services of the Office of the Director of the Park.



A meeting of the Scientific Board is chaired by the Chairperson or the Vice-Chairperson.


1. Resolutions of the Scientific Board are adopted in open vote. A Chair of the meeting may hold a secret vote on his or her own initiative or upon a request of a member of the Board.

2. Resolutions are adopted by the majority of votes with at least 50 % attendance.


Every member of the Scientific Board has the right to submit requests relevant to the activity of the Board and also to submit the drafts of resolutions.


1.    Minutes of the meeting of the Scientific Board are drawn up.

2.    Minutes of the meeting of the Scientific Board should reflect the main directions of discussion and also include decisions, resolution and opinions expressed by the participants in the discus-sion.

3.    The minutes are signed by the person chairing the meeting of the Scientific Board.


The Director of the Park provides the members of the Scientific Board with access to documents and materials of the Park connected with the activity of the Board.